Monday, January 3, 2011

In a Nutshell

I suppose I should start of by introducing myself. For the purposes of this blog, my name is Mom (might be referred to as "Mommy", "Mama", or "Ma"-but will always be some form of the word). I am a single mother of 2 of the most beautiful boys anyone could ever ask for! My oldest boy is 3, and I'll refer to him as Abaddon (in Hebrew it means "destruction"....nothing is safe from my little monster). I also have a baby, 7 months old. Him I will refer to as Polaris as ever since he has come into my life it seems as if he has been pointing me in the directions I need to go....guiding me. We also have a dog...well a 2 month old mixed puppy that we very affectionately named Nala (as one of the many names Abaddon calls him) because she purrs in her chest almost like a snore when she is contentedly sleeping and when she is angry not only does the scruff of her neck and the line down her back stand up, but all of the hair around her neck (underside and all) stands on end and she looks like she has a little mane. This is my family. We are currently going through some rough times and a huge help has been (and continues to be) my mother, whom we all very affectionately call Nana, that name suits her, so we will leave it at that. =) Another important person in my life is my younger sister, and I'll refer to her as Tink.....spirited, easily jaded little spitfire. 

I think I will end my first post with this...leave it at the introductions...kind of like a "Hello, welcome to my little bubble of a life". Little Polaris is climbing up my leg and probably needs a baba! 


  1. Sent here through a video that is running through the net... is that really you in the video? WOW...MOM..Momma... that is an awesome video... good luck with your rough time.. best wishes to you..

  2. The one with the pink "toy"

  3. I highly doubt it....but you should post the link so I can see.....
